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What documents do you need to prepare for reporting the inventory of the property of the decedent to the court in Taiwan?

作家相片: Rebecca TsaiRebecca Tsai

Written by: Rebecca Tsai, the Attorney at Law

The required documents for Reporting the inventory of the property of the decedent to the court are as below:

1.     Transcript of household registration: Transcript of the heir's household registration, the transcript of the decedent's household registration, and transcript of the decedent's parents’ household registration.

[Transcript of household registration can be applied at any Household Registration Office. (ex.: Household Registration Office. Zhongshan District, Taipei City is at “2F., No. 367, Songjiang Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City”)]

2.     Certificate of seal impression of the applicant and the aforesaid seal: The applicant needs to bring the seal to the Household Registration Office for the first-time application.

3.     Inventory of the property of the decedent: Our law firm can prepare the Inventory of the property of the decedent for the heirs. Nevertheless, the heirs still need to provide the detailed information regarding the property and the debt of the decedent. The heirs may attend to the National Taxation Bureau and apply for the decedent’s Enquiries about Data on Nationwide Personal Property, Enquiries about Data on Various Incomes, Financial legacy such as deposits, stocks, funds, insurance, and etc.

4.     A List of all heirs: Our law firm can prepare the list of all heirs, but we will need the transcript of the heir's household registration.

5.      Inheritance Tree Diagram: Our law firm can prepare the Inheritance Tree Diagram, but we will need the transcript of the heir's household registration.

Should you have any questions regarding reporting the inventory of the property of the decedent, Estate Distribution Agreement, or have any disputes regarding the inheritance matters, please feel free to contact our firm.

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